Quick Update!
We got a call from the clinic today to let us know the schedule for all the testing at the end of this month. Labs-8/13, 8/16, 8/23. MIBG Scan on 8/21, 8/22, 8/23. MRI and bone marrow biopsy 8/31. We go for labs on 9/5 and to meet w/the Oncologists to discuss results and to talk about what to do or not to do next. We will get the results of the scans before 9/5, so we will post them as soon as we can.
Click the link to the right for James Runde and read his families latest post or copy and paste this link in your browser http://www.babiesonline.com/journal/journal_view.asp?be=o/our_boy. As you all pray for Madelyn and my family, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE pray for the Runde family and especially for James. Pray that his pain is minimal and that he fights and beats this disease. Neuroblastoma truly is a beast!!!
Thank you all and we love you!
The Bell Family