Contributing Author - David Haas with a word about Cancer Support Groups
Cancer Support Groups
According to the American Cancer Society, cancer support groups are known by several different names. Group therapy, group psychotherapy, psychosocial interventions, and psychosocial treatments are four examples. Cancer support groups, by any name, are invaluable tools in the cancer treatment arsenal. While they are not treatment, in and of themselves, they are effective resources for helping patients cope with their disease. Cancer provides a unique experience for each and every person, whether one is diagnosed with breast cancer, a rare aggressive disease like mesothelioma, leukemia, or another malignancy. The journey is different for everyone, and the ways in which people cope are different, too. All cancer patients need a good support system, and cancer support groups are the best way to address that need.There are many different kinds of cancer support groups, and they vary in makeup, structure, and activity. They often include people with the same cancer type or treatment type. They may be ongoing or time-limited. Some support groups are open to patients only, while others welcome family members and caregivers into the fold.Support Groups And Group TherapyCancer support groups are sometimes considered group therapy and, in many ways, they are very therapeutic. But they differ from traditional group therapy. Licensed counselors (therapists, nurses, psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers) usually facilitate traditional therapy groups, but cancer support groups are led by their members. Typically, they are led by cancer survivors or trained professionals from within the group.Group therapy tends to be long and involves in-depth personal growth, while cancer support groups gather to address immediate concerns and manage current situations. Support groups can be held just about anywhere and, unlike group therapy, they are usually free to join. Community Support GroupsCommunity support groups are a good way for cancer patients and survivors to become active in their own cancer community. Meetings are held in hospitals, churches, schools, community centers, and group members’ homes. Cancer treatment centers can provide the names of local cancer support groups. National groups with local chapters include the American Cancer Society’s “I Can Cope” program, the Cancer Hope Network, and Gilda’s Club.Online Support GroupsOnline support groups are the ideal support network for cancer patients and survivors. For people experiencing treatment side effects, or those who cannot leave their home for another reason, online communities are the way to go. Internet support groups and discussion forums allow patients to maintain their anonymity. They can share their fears, frustrations, and feelings honestly with people who understand what they are going through. Whether patients face treatable skin cancer, breast cancer surgery, or a mesothelioma prognosis, cancer support networks can provide comfort, support, hope, and knowledge of the disease one is going through. Research has shown that support groups reduce anxiety, relieve stress, and improve quality of life.
By: David Haas
You can reach David via email at or visit his personal blog at
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