Welcome Sophia Hope Bell!!!

Welcome Sophia Hope Bell!!!
Maddy has officially become a big sister!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

First 2009 Update

Everything is going well so far in 2009 with the Bell family. Madelyn is continuing to develop well. There are no apparent medical concerns right now. No colds, flu, etc. and the dreaded C word is not rearing it's ugly head right now. Our 6 month scans are a little delayed. They were supposed to be next week, but due to forces outside of our control, we're getting pushed back to 2/16. A word to everyone who has to deal extensively with health organizations. You must manage your own care!!! They are generally unreliable when it comes to organizational skills and requier constant oversight. Sheila asked for Maddy's MRI to be scheduled in November and was not done. Six phone calls and repeated assurances from the staff at the hospital still didn't get it done. We've let that go and will wait another 2 weeks or so to hopefully get some good news.

Sheila is extremely busy as the housing market, while in news reports is still gloomy, seems to be picking up. Contracts and closings are again hitting the schedule and we're quietly optimistic that 2009 will be better than 2008.

Work at the Cross continues to be challenging in every way, the technology challenges as well as the politics. 2009 has been fun so far and it's hard to believe that January is almost over.

We know not as many of you still visit this site, but we appreciate those of you who still stop by every now and then to check on us...or honestly, check on Maddy.

Sheila and I seem to be spending more time on Facebook than this blog, and if you're on please look us up. We're trying to get FB and this blog linked so we can have one stop shopping for our friends.

Thanks to all of you and we love you all for thinking of us.
Rick, Sheila, Kaitlyn, and Madelyn

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Bell Family, oh please continue to update us on the blog whenever you can, I been following her blog for a very long time (since you started it I think), My Godson and Nephew was diagnoised with NB when he was 8 months old. Had a year of chemo and 10 surgeries and has been NED for over a year now - praise the Lord.... I will continue to prayer for Maddy and that she remains NED forever and ever! God bless! Megan du Plessis from South Africa (Deqlan Higgins Aunt)